Training For Improvement

Bring Sean on Site


Skills and knowledge are like muscles - they have to be trained and used in order to remain strong. Muscle memory is developed through continual practice. So, unless you intentionally strengthen and sharpen your skills, they will deteriorate. You have to be willing to work on enhancing your skills if you want to become or remain a top leader in today’s workforce.

 My trainings are focused on improving the way you, as a leader, think and behave in order to get better results. I focus on the skills and knowledge you need to acquire to become an even more effective leader. I have a menu of training courses available, from emotional intelligence training to developing high performance teams. Through my training, my goal is to build upon the skill set you have by enhancing your skills, knowledge, and tools to transform you into a highly effective leader.

Over the past 25 years, I’ve developed these highly interactive training programs to engage and equip today’s leaders. Each of these programs can be customized to address your firm's unique needs.

The need for leadership, communication and emotional intelligence skills has become even more important now that more and more firms are flattening their organizational hierarchy. Core skills, once only required of middle and senior management, are now essential for all team members to perform well in the highly collaborative, high demanding arena of high performance teams. Without these skills you are likely to find your key players, project teams and eventually your firm missing core competencies that will have you stuck, stalled and falling short of your true potential.

Partial List of Training Topics & Half-day to 2 Day Workshops 2024

  • 10 F-ING FACTORS: Why We Keep Getting Stuck, Stall Out & Fall Short Of Our True Potential
  • Management & Leadership Skills: Why Flat Organizations Need These Skills Even More!
  • Leading People Vs. Managing Work: How To Do Both More Effectively
  • Emotional Intelligence For Project Managers
  • Emotional Intelligence For Senior Leaders And Executives
  • Raising Organizational Effectiveness By Raising Emotionally Intelligent Leaders
  • The Pathway To Performance: Identifying Limiting Beliefs, Barriers And Behaviors To Better Performance
  • Collaborative Conversations: Crucial Skills For Working with Your People, Teams and Partners
  • New Skills For Today’s New Supervisors, Managers And Team Leaders
  • Improving Team Performance: Coaching Skills To Improve Behavior, Accountability And Results.
  • Organizational Health: Building A Healthy And Collaborative Culture
  • How To Improve Your Presentation Skills And Engage Your Audience
  • Successful People Management: How To Maximize Team Performance, Collaboration And Results.
  • Building An On-Purpose Business
  • Communication Skills That Will Dramatically Improve Your Relationships (Professionally & Personally)
  • How to Collaborate with People NOT Like You! High Performance Teams are Diverse Teams
  • Turning Top Individual Performers Into Collaborative Leaders That Drive Team Results
  • “Yes, And…” Thinking, for a “Ya, But…” World: Learning To Rethink The Way You Think, So You Can Solve Problems Faster, Collaborate More Effectively And Beat Your Competitors To Market.

Sean believes training needs to be engaging and also affordable. All of these workshops have the flexibility to be broken down into 2, 4 and 7 hour live sessions. Few skills can be honed and mastered in just 2 hours; yet research shows that multiple sessions over multiple weeks maximizes learning and application of new skills. The number of sessions will be determined by your unique goals and training objectives. Minimum of 12 people is required.

Full Day Session

Per Person - $199

21 - 30 People - $4000

Half Day Session

Per Person - $129

21 - 30 People - $2500

2 Hour Sessions

3 Sessions: $149 Per Person/$3000 for 21-30

4 Sessions: $229 Per Person/$4500 for 21-30

6 Sessions: $299 Per Person/$6000 for 21-30




  • The 360 Leader*
  • The 21 Laws Of Leadership*
  • The 17 Laws Of Teamwork*
  • The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team*
  • 5 Behaviors of a Cohesive Team*
  • Developing The Leader Within You*
  • Developing The Leaders Around You*

These have a separate pricing structure. Please call 1.951.332.9503 for more information and details.

Are you ready for the right kind of leadership training?

Schedule a consultation with Sean.

"He’s very direct and I like that. I liked that he’s direct and he supports it with research and proven facts that have worked with other firms. He uses a lot of literature too - well known authors and other coaches who have written books about the strategies that have worked inside other corporations. I really liked that because now we, as a staff, can refer to those books to brush up on our skills. He always had something to fall back on and refer to - it wasn’t information just from the top of his head and the researchers that he refers to are very well known; that’s what impressed me."

Dr. Felicia Cruz-Delgado
Assistant Principal

"Sean has put us on track to becoming a more productive organization. That leads you to some painful realizations; it’s not all a positive thing. It raises the bar, as we’ve said several time in the last 18 months. There are going to be those employees in the firm who choose not to reach for that bar, but the good thing about it is it does separate those people who chose not to go along with the improved way to look at things. "

Terry Petit
Director of Field Operations

"Almost immediately I saw the value of the work from the first session. Sean had directed me to materials to read as part of our coaching that I had never even considered and had even been exposed to. A combination of the material that he presented to me and his ability to add value to those materials in my life from a personal standpoint, by knowing and understanding me, really added a lot of value for me. It was personalized. While these were texts and leadership materials, he was able to apply them directly to my career and situations that were causing me pain in my organization."

Brian Jaramillo
President, Tilden-Coil Constructors

"I had the opportunity to spend some time with and listen to Sean’s training this week, and he is an amazing heart-centered leader. He is really impacting the world by bringing heart-centered leadership back into business. He is an energetic, exciting man who has so much passion and such a wealth of information to share with you. I encourage you to spend time with him, he’s fantastic!"

Tamlyn Hill
Relationship Mastery Expert

"We do not rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level of our training." - Archilochus 


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