"Almost immediately I saw the value of the work almost from the first session. He had directed me to materials to read as part of our coaching that I had never had even considered or been exposed to them. And a combination of the material that he presented to me and his ability to add value to those materials in my life from a personal standpoint and knowing and understanding me really added a lot value. It was personalized. While these were text material and leadership material, he was able to apply them directly to my career and the situations that were causing me pain in our organization."
Brian Jaramillo
"He’s very direct and I like that. I liked that he’s direct and he supports it with either research or proven facts that have worked with other companies. He uses a lot of literature too. Well known authors and other coaches out there who have written books about the strategies that have worked inside other corporations. I really liked that because now we as a staff, can go and refer to those books to reference and brush up on our skills. I guess what impressed me is that he always had something to fall back on and to refer to. It just wasn’t information from the top of his head. And, the researchers that he refers to are very well known and that’s what really impressed me."
Dr. Felicia Cruz-Delgado
"I needed somebody to be up front with me and my staff. Somebody to not pull punches, someone that was going to be truthful, that brought me to that next level. I needed not just me to be brought to the next level but my staff to be brought to the next level too. And with Sean, both happened."
Greg Olney
VP, Finance & Head of Change Management
"Almost immediately I saw the value of the work almost from the first session. He had directed me to materials to read as part of our coaching that I had never had even considered or been exposed to them. And a combination of the material that he presented to me and his ability to add value to those materials in my life from a personal standpoint and knowing and understanding me really added a lot value. It was personalized. While these were text material and leadership material, he was able to apply them directly to my career and the situations that were causing me pain in our organization."
Brian Jaramillo
"He’s very direct and I like that. I liked that he’s direct and he supports it with either research or proven facts that have worked with other companies. He uses a lot of literature too. Well known authors and other coaches out there who have written books about the strategies that have worked inside other corporations. I really liked that because now we as a staff, can go and refer to those books to reference and brush up on our skills. I guess what impressed me is that he always had something to fall back on and to refer to. It just wasn’t information from the top of his head. And, the researchers that he refers to are very well known and that’s what really impressed me."
Dr. Felicia Cruz-Delgado